
To complete your registration, please first create an account

Payment has to be done by credit card and fees include VAT


Registration fees include:

    Wellcome reception (on Sunday evening), lunches (at noon) and coffee breaks (from Monday to Wednesday)

    Conference bag and abstract book

    Access to all sessions and conferences

September 26

- Non-members of GERLI: 420 € (become a GERLI member (50€) at www.gerli.com)

- Members of GERLI*: 360 €

- Members of the GERLI scientific council: 300 €

- Students*: 240 €

Registrations after September 26

Fees will be increased by 120 €


* GERLI membership and student status will be controled during meeting check-in. Please bring your membership card or student card, otherwise you will be asked to pay the difference with the full registration fee


B/ GALA EVENING (registration will close on October 5th): 84 €

Registration fees include: transportation to Montauban by bus, visit of "Musée Ingres", and gala dinner (the food will be elaborated by a star chef) with music entertainment.







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